Thursday, 21 May 2015

What are you proclaiming?

Phil 1:6   And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

I recently heard a song, titled:  Rooftops by Jesus Culture. (song clip below).

Here I am before You, falling in love and seeking Your truth
Knowing that Your perfect grace has brought me to this place
Because of You I freely live, my life to You, oh God, I give
So I stand before You, God
I lift my voice cause You set me free

So I shout out Your name, from the rooftops I proclaim
That I am Yours, I am Yours

All the good You've done for me, I lift up my hands for all to see
You're the only one who brings me to my knees
To share this love across the earth, the beauty of Your holy worth
So I kneel before You, God
I lift my hands cause You set me free

So I shout out Your name, from the rooftops I proclaim
That I am Yours, I am Yours

All that I am, I place into Your loving hands
And I am Yours, I am Yours

Here I am, I stand, with arms wide open
To the One, the Son, the Everlasting God

During the night I noticed that I was actually singing the chorus, but it took a while to notice that I had changed the words to:

So I shout out Your name, from the rooftops I proclaim
That I am healed, I am free.

I was delightfully surprised as I thought, what beautiful things to proclaim over myself.

I had received prayer just this day and the outworking of it I believe was showing in this verse.  There has been such a desire to connect to God's heart, His fatherhood over my life.  His love.

So, because of the realisation and declaration, I also pray for your connection to the Father heart of God, to Jesus, to His Spirit.  I pray for Release.  Release from any lies of the enemy that may be keeping you from a place of intimacy. I pray His love bountifully fill you to overflowing if you know Him.

If you do not know Him as Lord and Saviour and have not received Jesus into your heart, I encourage you to do this today. Respond to his love. Tell Him you believe that He is God's Son and say, Jesus, I need you in my heart today. Wash me clean of all my sins. Raise me to new life in Jesus and fill me with your Holy Spirit.  AMEN.  This is a the most important thing that anyone can do in their life and in doing so, the following then applies to you:

Yes, I am healed, I am free.

Follow Him, get connected to a good church, good teaching, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Phil 1: 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

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