Sunday 29 July 2018

Gird up the loins of your mind

What does this really mean and what was happening at this time?

I am going through the New Testament and am up to Peter in my reading of the NT.
My attention was stopped at 1Pet1:13.

Peter was writing to the Jewish believers struggling in the midst of persecution. The paragraph descriptor of my bible says that persecution can cause either growth or bitterness in the Christian Life.

So Peter, in the first chapter speaks about God
He shares on God's abundant mercy to these believers, and the living hope through Jesus for resurrection and inheritance, and how they are kept by God's power through faith.  But he then encourages them ....that although (now for a little while) grieved by various trials; that the genuineness of their faith, which is much more precious than gold that perishes, though their faith is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour, glory at the revelation of Jesus, whom not seen they love, and although they don't see yet believing they rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.

He then goes on to encourage them to stay faithful in their conduct.... And this is the phrase I wanted to look into more, and felt was important to understand.

Therefore, GIRD UP THE LOINS OF YOUR MIND, be sober, and rest your hopefully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is Holy, you also be Holy in your conduct....

I pondered this for a while, then googled the scripture and came across an explanation by an author I respect in the Christan faith. The explanation is about a runner running his race, not stumbling over the things that may want to trip him or entangle in his mind (or her's, or mine!).

Especially when things are tough, I am especially looking and challenging my thought patterns; are they staying in faith, honouring God, being true to the faith and God's ways. Your thoughts really can trip you up. Old pains that are triggered by situations are especially sneaky and can really capture your thoughts and manifiest itself in your heart, soul, body!

But God is so Good as He reveals, heals, and brings truth so that our faith, even in the pain of testing, grows and produces life.

Check out this article by Rick Renner from Sparkling Gems regarding the scripture about girding up the loins of your mind. It us a great insight and encouragement.

Rick Renner - Sparkling Gems

Be blessed!

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